View CemeteryDisplay Cemetery - Eliakim Davis Private Graveyard

Eliakim Davis Private Graveyardlink to

City: Mount Sinai
County: Suffolk
State: NY

The cemetery is located on the East side of Maureen Drive about 1/10 mile from Brian Lane, in Mt. Sinai. The cemetery is enclosed by a chain link fence which was installed by the Town of Brookhaven. The cemetery is #76 on the Brookhaven Town Historian's list that was compiled by Osborne Shaw. Most of the stones have been stolen or broken. The gate is chained & locked.

GPS Coordinates: 0.000000 / 0.000000
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Patriots buried here:
Head StoneSurnameGiven NameBirth DateDeath DatePLatitudePLongitudeGrave LocationMarked By      FindAGrave Memorial#

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